1 – The new album is more diverse than the previous records. We can listen to the usual Symphorce style but some tracks are way more Thrashy, some are more melodic with a traditional Hard Rock approach and we even have a couple of Gothic Metal oriented tunes. Did it just came out like this or did you really wanted to write this kind of eclectic songs?
We didn’t plan the sound of our new album. We all wanted to record a new Symphorce album and like you wrote, we did. You can hear it in every single song. We’re Symphorce, we’re back, and we’re gonna kick some ass…. But we didn’t remain standing. We’ve never been a band who let sound one album like a previous one. Listen to the last 4 Albums and you will see an evolution. This record is the result of it. Everybody of us has a different and wide spreaded taste of music. If something sounded well, we took it. Why should we limit our music? Metal is a style with a lot of influences. We took most of them…
2 – Are you satisfied with this new album, the songs, the recording process, production, final product?
Yeesssssssssss… we are. This album includes everything we felt: Rawness, aggressions, sentimentality. I like the mixture between the smooth electronic parts and the brutal guitar riffs. Even the preproduction sounded very well. The sound was terrible, but you could feel the result. Right after that, everything went very fast. The studiojob wasn’t easy going, we recorded as fast as possible, but everybody did a great job. I think, more time would not lead to a better sound. We’ve been prepared very well and everything succeeded.
He knows exactly what he’s doing… and the recording process with him was amazing. He is so fast in recording that the musician can work concentrated only on his own playing. You have nearly no time between the single takes. And if You listen to “Godspeed”, You’ll understand why we choose Dennis once again…
4 – There were some line-up changes and now you have a new drummer, Steffen Theurer. What happened and how did you found this new member?
Sascha wanted to concentrate on his new drumschool. He is living in a small town near Paderborn, It took a lot of time and money to come for rehearsels, photoshootings, recording sessions etc. So it was the only way for him to realize his school. There is no struggle and the whole band whishes him the best. Steffen is a good friend of mine since years. He only played in a cover band and wanted to make own music. The other band members knew Steffen as well. So we decided to let him play a part of the Budapest show (a good friend of the band played the first part of the show). He did a great job. He got one week to learned the songs and no rehearsel. We had a lot of fun on stage and it was interesting how the songs sounded in another new drum version… hahahaha…
5 – The cover artwork is in the same vein than the previous records so, this is already a Symphorce trademark. Who draws the cover artworks?
Travis Smith… he send us this cover and it fits really good to the music… I love it…
6 – The lyrical side in this record seems way darker than before. What kind of subjects influenced you to write the lyrics for “Become Death”?
Andy wrote the lyrics. I‘m convinced that he was influenced from the music, which is much darker than the songs so far. Andy always wrote lyrics about live. Things that happened in his live. Note: It was not easy for the band in the last few years. Our music is not made for narrow-minded people. You said in the first question that our music is diverse. Yes, it is, and it always was. It is still Symphorce, but it involves a lot of influences and styles.Andy agitated a lot for the band. Often he told us what he wanted to do but that’s not possible because of some businessman who “be aware of everything about music”… This might be a reason for the dark lyrics…
7 – Do you have a tour prepared to promote the record?
Not yet. We’d be lucky to present the new record live. We’rer checking a few options, keep an eye on our website. If not, we’re gonna play some single shows…
8 – You can leave now a final message if you want to.
For all the metal fans: Stay open minded. Don’t believe everything the Medias wants to tell you… We can change and reach a lot. And we should!!!
Entrevistado: Markus Pohl - Guitar
Metal Blade Records: www.metalblade.de / www.metalblade.com
Symphorce: www.symphorce.net
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