Tesco Organisation / Hau Ruck!
Anenzephalia – Ephemeral Dawn (2007) – Tesco Organisation: Este disco foi originalmente editado em 1996, numa edição limitada a 750 exemplares, e já se encontra esgotado desde então. A Tesco reedita-o agora em 2007 em formato digipack com livrete a acompanhar. Este género de recuperações são sempre bem-vindas e esta o é com certeza! Trata-se aqui de 11 faixas, na sua maioria, gravadas ao vivo entre 1992 e 1995. Power Electronics e Industrial são as designações principais às quais se podem juntar ainda Dark Ambient e Experimental. Apenas aconselhado a fãs do género. 80%
Apoptose – Schattenmädchen (2007) – Tesco Organisation: Terceiro disco para os Apoptose. Ao longo dos anos, alguns destes temas têm visto a luz do dia em compilações, outros nunca foram editados. Em 2006 os Apoptose juntam-se ao autor cyberpunk Japonês Kenji Siratori para dar uma nova roupagem a estas faixas e iniciar a gravação deste disco. Os temas foram remisturados, regravados e renomeados para este efeito. Neste trabalho, o projecto usa pela primeira vez “spoken word”. Usam-se tanto o japonês como o alemão e o inglês. As 7 faixas aqui incluídas remetem-nos para um mundo desolado e moribundo, sem luz do dia e oxigénio. As letras remetem-nos para o submundo de megacidades Japonesas, as profundezas das vias de informação electrónicas e ainda pesadelos de crianças. O disco vem com uma apresentação soberba, num digipack de 6 painéis com livrete. Dark Ambient, Martial e Experimental são as palavras de ordem em “Schattenmädchen” (“criança da sombra”), uma obra-prima. 90% / /
Dark Folk,
Power Electronics
Helrunar – Baldr Ok Íss (2007): Eu talvez não seja a pessoa mais indicada para escrever umas linhas sobre discos de Black Metal. Não é o meu género de eleição e, tirando algumas bandas, não ouço muito material do género. No entanto, tenho aqui estes novos lançamentos da Lupus Lounge e tenho de dar um tempo a isto. Os Helrunar apresentam 10 temas de Black Metal Nórdico a meio-tempo com ambientes negros e frios numa tentativa, segundo o comunicado de imprensa, de estabelecer o contraste entre fogo e gelo. O disco foi gravado em apenas 5 dias e foram usados muitos “takes” directos para manter o espírito e a espontaneidade das gravações. Como disse, não é o meu estilo de eleição, mas este disco até me está a agradar. Não se trata do típico Black Metal Nórdico, incluindo certos trejeitos Folk e Pagan Metal que lhe dão outra cor. Nessa palete de cores incluo branco (gelo), vermelho (fogo), sépia (a toada Folk / Pagan / vintage) e, claro, cinzento e negro (próprios do Black Metal). Além da edição simples há a salientar a edição especial com DVD (agora deixaram-me curioso, o meu promocional não traz o DVD, arrrggghhh!). 80%
Farsot – IIII (2007): Ok, estou tramado! Mais Black Metal Nórdico. E este é mesmo do que eu não gosto! Rápido, com blastbeats a torto e a direito, frio, intenso, com certas passagens mais lentas e ambientais, voz típica, “melodias” de guitarra típicas. Muito lugar-comum para o seu próprio bem. Talvez os amantes do género encontrem aqui pontos de interesse mas eu fico de fora! Gostei apenas dos interlúdios industriais e da capacidade de experimentar um pouco no tema final “Thematik: Trauer” (pouco mais de 20 minutos de duração). É o álbum de estreia, pode ser que o próximo tenha mais identidade e inovação. 50%
Drautran – Throne Of The Depths (2007): Fecho esta sequência de críticas a discos da Lupus Lounge com Pagan Metal Germânico. Após 8 anos da edição da sua estreia auto-financiada “Unter dem Banner de Nordwinde” eis que surge o sucessor “Throne Of The Depths”. São 8 temas que não resultam tão bem quanto pode parecer à primeira. Não há propriamente uma fusão de estilos. Os temas iniciam e/ou fecham com passagens Folk / Pagan e o “grosso” da faixa é um Black Metal pouco inspirado, desinteressante e monótono. Ao fim de um par de faixas torna-se cansativo e até mesmo incomodativo. Volto a usar a frase que usei na crítica acima; talvez os amantes do género encontrem aqui pontos de interesse mas eu fico de fora! 40%
Lupus Lounge:
Lupus Lounge:
Dogpound – III (2007): Como o título pode dar a entender, este é o 3º trabalho dos Suecos Dogpound. Hard Rock melódico com certas nuances de AOR. A produção ficou a cargo de Peter Tägtgren nos seus Abyss Studios e está irrepreensível. Som forte e cheio mas mantendo a faceta melódica da banda bem patente. Não é bem o meu estilo de banda, tende muito para os temas mais lentos, mas há por aqui uns temas bem “catchy”, apelativos e cantaroláveis. No entanto, mais temas “uptempo” não lhes faziam mal nenhum e ao vivo eram capazes de resultar bem lado a lado com estes “midtempo” / “slowtempo”. Ao todo são 14 temas que podem agradar a amantes do lado mais melódico do Hard Rock, Glam Rock e AOR. 65% / /
Mind’s Eye – A Gentleman’s Hurricane (2007): Novo trabalho para os Suecos Mind’s Eye. Este trabalho conceptual é apresentado num formato triplo com CD, banda desenhada e DVD com “making of”. Infelizmente, o meu promocional só comporta o CD, daí eu não poder escrever umas linhas sobre os restantes formatos. A música continua na mesma linha, Metal Progressivo com influências tanto da velha escola como da nova escola. No entanto, este é o trabalho mais pesado do trio até à data. Heavy / Power bem pesado de contornos Progressivos, melódico, com uma toada épica a acompanhar o conteúdo lírico, mas com um forte sentido de canção. A componente lírica é uma espécie de policial / thriller acerca dos desabafos de um assassino contratado por uma ordem secreta, isto é, o tipo de novela tão em voga hoje em dia. Resta ainda referir a participação vocal de Mia Coldheart das hard-rockers Crucified Barbara. Os fãs da banda não vão ficar desiludidos, muito pelo contrário, assim como os fãs deste tipo de Neo-Prog / Prog-Metal. Para quem ainda não conhece a banda, aconselho vivamente esta obra-prima. 85% / /
Vendetta – Tyranny Of Minority (2007): Disco de estreia pelo recém-formado projecto do guitarrista / vocalista Britânico Edward Box. Hard ‘N’ Heavy de inspirações oitentistas. Os 12 temas aqui apresentados não maus de todo mas não trazem nada de novo. É material pouco inspirado, lugar-comum, sem malhas a destacar, solos / ritmos / melodias pouco inspirados. Parece-me ser um trabalho feito um bocado à pressa e não me agrada muito o resultado final. Talvez tenham tentado manter o espírito da coisa mais directo e simples mas, penso que fracassaram e lançaram um álbum muito abaixo da média, sem força para rivalizar com algumas pérolas (poucas!) que vão sendo lançadas hoje em dia no mesmo género. Além disso, detesto a produção do disco, ficou com um som muito plástico e sem vitalidade, em especial a bateria que ficou muito abafada e sem força. Próximo! 50% / /
Lion Music: / /
Lion Music: / /
Simone Fiorletta - Entrevista
- Simone Fiorletta (short bio, discography, highlights, …):
Endorsement: “D’Orazio Strings” “Jim Reed Guitars”
At seven year-old I got near the music studying piano with the M°. Gianluca Spalvieri (an European level pianist). At twelve I bought my first electric guitar studying first as self-taught person then taking private lessons. Among the various studies, I frequented the triennial course given by Percento Musica in Rome where I "knew" the instrument with teachers such as Umberto Fiorentino, Franco Ventura, Massimiliano Rosati, Stefano Micarelli and others. At the same time, for two years, I studied flamenco guitar with Roberto Valle. In the last times, now and then, I take lessons with Micarelli and Rosati.
Between 1998 and 2001 I recorded four demo: two as guitar player ( Infinite Dreams and Souls ) and two with Moonlight Comedy (…And The Moonlight Dispelled A Mistery and Second Shadow ), thanks to which I received several proposals by different Italian and international labels. In September 2004 was released the first Moonlight Comedy album ( The Life Inside ) produced by Legend Music in Rome and distributed in 26 nations by Lion Music ( , the Finnish label. In October 2004, the Milanese label Videoradio released in Italy my first album (The Beginning).After the success of both the albums ( The Life Inside appreciated by world criticism and The Beginning that got the first place among the more downloaded albums of Vitaminic ) I have had the honor to sign a Lion Music contract as guitar player; so in September 2005 I released Parallel Worlds , my second album, this time a worldwide distribution. This album has got for various weeks the Top10 in Germany, Norway and in the famous American Guitar9.
In February 2006 I start the recordings of the new Moonlight Comedy album, relesead by Lion Music in February 2007.
At the same time I was working for my new album with:
Andrea De Paoli ( Labyrinth ) – Keyboard;
Pasko ( Loredana Bertè , Cans – Hammer Fall ) – Bass;
Tony Liotta ( Santana, Sting, Tina Turner, Chick Corea and many more) – Drums.
My new album will be released in July 2007 by the same Lion Music.
Always in 2007 / 2008 I will be present on the new album of the big Tony Liotta's Human Steps , with international fame artists.
In 2000 I was the guest in a Neil Zaza's live in concert in Rome.
I work also as session in different studios in Italy, playing also different musical styles.
Since October 2004 I'm a founder partner of the Music Station, center of music lessons, I'm the electric guitar teacher, concert hall and two studios.
- “My Secret Diary” (writing process, recording process, guest musicians, label, …):
MSD was born because, as all my works, I want play my life, my emotions. I love talking about me writing instrumental songs, so I am always the only author of my works. Generally I write songs starting from a rhythmic guitar line to program drum and bass. When it's done the song skeleton I begin to think about the melodic line of the soloist. Sometimes I demand that my drum'n'bass ideas were respected while if I know the potentialities of my musicians I let they express themselves.
In this album I am surrounded by exceptional musicians. For the whole album I am supported by Andrea De Paoli (Labyrinth) on the keyboards, Pasko (Cans) on the bass and the legendary Tony Liotta (Santana, Sting and more) on the drums and percussions.
I have also had a good special guest in a song: William Marino (Mina, Sandy Marton and more) who play the solo in "Good Bye".
This album has also been released by the excellent Finnish Lion Music.
- Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
The whole artwork is by Armando Pizzuti, good graphic artist as well as bass player of my Prog Metal Band Moonlight Comedy ( -
"My Secret Diary" cover represents a hand that holds among the fingers a little diary, to give the idea of something personal, not visible to the others, with a background that recalls some emotions transfered in the songs.
- Live tour to promote the new record:
Now I don't want to do a real tour because I'm making a tour with the Moonlight Comedy, but this doesn't want to say that I won't make promotional live for this album.
- Musical (and other) influences:
Talking about soloist guitar player I love a lot Joe Satriani, Neil Schon and Neil Zaza, anyway in my works I simply try to play all my emotions, my feelings.
- Final Message:
First of all I would anticipate you that I'm working with Milan Polak (Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman and more) on vocals and guitars, Andrea De Paoli (Labyrinth) on the keyboards, Domenico Citriniti and Armando Pizzuti (Moonlight Comedy) on the bass, Tony Liotta, Andrea Scala (Moonlight Comedy) and Marco Aiello on the drums. I thank you and all your readers to have spent part of your time with me. I invite you to visit or
Between 1998 and 2001 I recorded four demo: two as guitar player ( Infinite Dreams and Souls ) and two with Moonlight Comedy (…And The Moonlight Dispelled A Mistery and Second Shadow ), thanks to which I received several proposals by different Italian and international labels. In September 2004 was released the first Moonlight Comedy album ( The Life Inside ) produced by Legend Music in Rome and distributed in 26 nations by Lion Music ( , the Finnish label. In October 2004, the Milanese label Videoradio released in Italy my first album (The Beginning).After the success of both the albums ( The Life Inside appreciated by world criticism and The Beginning that got the first place among the more downloaded albums of Vitaminic ) I have had the honor to sign a Lion Music contract as guitar player; so in September 2005 I released Parallel Worlds , my second album, this time a worldwide distribution. This album has got for various weeks the Top10 in Germany, Norway and in the famous American Guitar9.
In February 2006 I start the recordings of the new Moonlight Comedy album, relesead by Lion Music in February 2007.
At the same time I was working for my new album with:
Andrea De Paoli ( Labyrinth ) – Keyboard;
Pasko ( Loredana Bertè , Cans – Hammer Fall ) – Bass;
Tony Liotta ( Santana, Sting, Tina Turner, Chick Corea and many more) – Drums.
My new album will be released in July 2007 by the same Lion Music.
Always in 2007 / 2008 I will be present on the new album of the big Tony Liotta's Human Steps , with international fame artists.
In 2000 I was the guest in a Neil Zaza's live in concert in Rome.
I work also as session in different studios in Italy, playing also different musical styles.
Since October 2004 I'm a founder partner of the Music Station, center of music lessons, I'm the electric guitar teacher, concert hall and two studios.
- “My Secret Diary” (writing process, recording process, guest musicians, label, …):
MSD was born because, as all my works, I want play my life, my emotions. I love talking about me writing instrumental songs, so I am always the only author of my works. Generally I write songs starting from a rhythmic guitar line to program drum and bass. When it's done the song skeleton I begin to think about the melodic line of the soloist. Sometimes I demand that my drum'n'bass ideas were respected while if I know the potentialities of my musicians I let they express themselves.
In this album I am surrounded by exceptional musicians. For the whole album I am supported by Andrea De Paoli (Labyrinth) on the keyboards, Pasko (Cans) on the bass and the legendary Tony Liotta (Santana, Sting and more) on the drums and percussions.
I have also had a good special guest in a song: William Marino (Mina, Sandy Marton and more) who play the solo in "Good Bye".
This album has also been released by the excellent Finnish Lion Music.
- Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
The whole artwork is by Armando Pizzuti, good graphic artist as well as bass player of my Prog Metal Band Moonlight Comedy ( -
"My Secret Diary" cover represents a hand that holds among the fingers a little diary, to give the idea of something personal, not visible to the others, with a background that recalls some emotions transfered in the songs.
- Live tour to promote the new record:
Now I don't want to do a real tour because I'm making a tour with the Moonlight Comedy, but this doesn't want to say that I won't make promotional live for this album.
- Musical (and other) influences:
Talking about soloist guitar player I love a lot Joe Satriani, Neil Schon and Neil Zaza, anyway in my works I simply try to play all my emotions, my feelings.
- Final Message:
First of all I would anticipate you that I'm working with Milan Polak (Billy Sheehan, Paul Gilbert, Marty Friedman and more) on vocals and guitars, Andrea De Paoli (Labyrinth) on the keyboards, Domenico Citriniti and Armando Pizzuti (Moonlight Comedy) on the bass, Tony Liotta, Andrea Scala (Moonlight Comedy) and Marco Aiello on the drums. I thank you and all your readers to have spent part of your time with me. I invite you to visit or
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: Simone Fiorletta
Entrevistado: Simone Fiorletta
Simone Fiorletta: /
Lion Music:
Hard Rock,
Aeon - Entrevista
- Aeon (short bio, discography, highlights, …):
The band was formed in 1999 by four members from the newly broken up band, Defaced Creation. Since then 1 MCD and 2 full length albums has been made. The MCD "Dark Order" was released 2001, it was originally recorded as a demo but Necropolis record wanted to release it anyway. In 2005 we released our first full length album "Bleeding the false" thru Unique Leader Records. This album did get very good response from both fans and critics. And now (September 2007) we are releasing our second full length album "Rise to dominate" thru Metal Blade records. One highlight worth mentioning was the European tour we did with Cannibal Corpse and Prostitute Disfigurement last year. That was awesome.
- “Rise To Dominate” (writing process, recording process, label, …):
It was mainly me and Zeb who did write all the music at home. (Except for one song that Max did). Recording the ideas as pre-productions with programed drums on a computer. And when the idea is taking form, we upload it to a file server so all the other band-members can listen to it and give feedback. And when the song-idea is developed into something that almost would be considered a whole song, Tommy takes the idea and writes lyrics and creates all the vocal patterns for it. And after that, it's trying it out in the rehearsal-room, often making some small changes to make it perfect.
We did record the whole album in about 3,5 weeks at the "Empire Studio". After that, we sent the whole project down to Unisound Studio and Dan Swanö for some mixing & mastering. He was done after about 10 day and the result was awesome. Dan was really easy to work with and he did understand exactly what we where looking for. I am sure we will be working with him again in the future.
It's no other label than Metal Blade Records who is releasing this album, and that feels so damn good. Metal Blade is the label that we have always wanted to be on, and now we are. They are doing a killer job so far and i can do nothing but praise them.
- Dan Swanö & Unisound Recordings. Why and how?:
We wanted to try something new this time around and Lord K from "The Project Hate" always praised Dan for the great job he has done with their last albums. And with all rights... the "Project Hate" albums sounds awesome. So we simply asked Dan if he wanted to mix & master our album and he sure did. We are more than happy with the result, i think it sounds amazing.
- Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
Who... it's me who have done the cover + all artwork on this album as-well as the previous one "Bleeding the false". Why, its just dark, evil & demonic...The meaning with it...Well... Hell Awaits, come walk with us, my friend.
- Live tour to promote the new record:
We where supposed to go on Metal Blade Record's 25th Anniversary North American tour in September / October but was forced to cancel it. This is due to a decision made by Nils (drummer) to not go on the tour since it would conflict with upcoming Dark Funeral shows / tour + some personal family business that made him make this decision. This is all very bad since it's a really great tour with good bands and all. But i'll hope new great opportunities will come along later on.
- Musical (and other) influences:
Ohh man... it can be everything from some classic symphonic shit to 80's hard-rock and forward the most brutal death metal there is. It depends on what mood i am in. Other influences can everyday stuff that pisses me off, cool horror movies or whatever. And one other thing... myself with a fat guitar-sound... Thats fucking inspiring. Just to play guitar with a massive guitar-sound brings forth the most evil riff's.
- Final Message:
Keep supporting death metal, and if you downloads albums of the net... at least buy the fucking ones you really like. Cheers!
The band was formed in 1999 by four members from the newly broken up band, Defaced Creation. Since then 1 MCD and 2 full length albums has been made. The MCD "Dark Order" was released 2001, it was originally recorded as a demo but Necropolis record wanted to release it anyway. In 2005 we released our first full length album "Bleeding the false" thru Unique Leader Records. This album did get very good response from both fans and critics. And now (September 2007) we are releasing our second full length album "Rise to dominate" thru Metal Blade records. One highlight worth mentioning was the European tour we did with Cannibal Corpse and Prostitute Disfigurement last year. That was awesome.
- “Rise To Dominate” (writing process, recording process, label, …):
It was mainly me and Zeb who did write all the music at home. (Except for one song that Max did). Recording the ideas as pre-productions with programed drums on a computer. And when the idea is taking form, we upload it to a file server so all the other band-members can listen to it and give feedback. And when the song-idea is developed into something that almost would be considered a whole song, Tommy takes the idea and writes lyrics and creates all the vocal patterns for it. And after that, it's trying it out in the rehearsal-room, often making some small changes to make it perfect.
We did record the whole album in about 3,5 weeks at the "Empire Studio". After that, we sent the whole project down to Unisound Studio and Dan Swanö for some mixing & mastering. He was done after about 10 day and the result was awesome. Dan was really easy to work with and he did understand exactly what we where looking for. I am sure we will be working with him again in the future.
It's no other label than Metal Blade Records who is releasing this album, and that feels so damn good. Metal Blade is the label that we have always wanted to be on, and now we are. They are doing a killer job so far and i can do nothing but praise them.
We wanted to try something new this time around and Lord K from "The Project Hate" always praised Dan for the great job he has done with their last albums. And with all rights... the "Project Hate" albums sounds awesome. So we simply asked Dan if he wanted to mix & master our album and he sure did. We are more than happy with the result, i think it sounds amazing.
- Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
Who... it's me who have done the cover + all artwork on this album as-well as the previous one "Bleeding the false". Why, its just dark, evil & demonic...The meaning with it...Well... Hell Awaits, come walk with us, my friend.
- Live tour to promote the new record:
We where supposed to go on Metal Blade Record's 25th Anniversary North American tour in September / October but was forced to cancel it. This is due to a decision made by Nils (drummer) to not go on the tour since it would conflict with upcoming Dark Funeral shows / tour + some personal family business that made him make this decision. This is all very bad since it's a really great tour with good bands and all. But i'll hope new great opportunities will come along later on.
- Musical (and other) influences:
Ohh man... it can be everything from some classic symphonic shit to 80's hard-rock and forward the most brutal death metal there is. It depends on what mood i am in. Other influences can everyday stuff that pisses me off, cool horror movies or whatever. And one other thing... myself with a fat guitar-sound... Thats fucking inspiring. Just to play guitar with a massive guitar-sound brings forth the most evil riff's.
- Final Message:
Keep supporting death metal, and if you downloads albums of the net... at least buy the fucking ones you really like. Cheers!
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: Daniel Dlimi
Entrevistado: Daniel Dlimi
Metal Blade:
Desaster - Entrevista
- Desaster (short bio, discography, highlights, …):
Desaster’s history is going back to the year 1988 when two young Metal- possessed maniacs wanted to follow the path of bands like VENOM, HELLHAMMER or DESTRUCTION (whose song „Total Desaster“ gave the band its name) – to play some fucking Black Metal without compromises was their aim. After playing the still remembered first live gig in ’89 (which marked the official beginning of the band), DESASTER had to manage serious line- up problems in 1990 before Infernal, the only remaining member of the original line- up, found the right warriors to continue. Okkulto (v) and Odin (b) joined the pack back then in 1992. After the two demos “The Fog of Avalon” (1993) and “Lost in the Ages” (1994) Merciless Records released a split- 7” with UNGOD in 1995, the band´s vinyl-debut. In 1996 the first album “A Touch of medieval Darkness” was released and the band got great response from all over the world. On DESASTER’s following output, the “Stormbringer” mini- album in 1997, the new beast on the drums, Tormentor, can be heard for the first time. One song of the limited “Ride on for Revenge” picture- single of 1998 found it’s way on the “Thrashing Holocaust”- compilation CD released by American Necropolis Records in 1999. “Hellfire’s Dominion”, the second album, was released in 1998. A special killer on the album was the neck breaking Speed Metal hymn “Metalized Blood” which included guest vocals of Wannes of PENTACLE, Lemmy of the old German Speed Metal kings VIOLENT FORCE and Toto of LIVING DEATH, one of the band’s all-time faves! During the recording sessions of the 2nd album DESASTER also recorded their contribution to a SODOM tribute CD called “Homage to the Gods”. The band celebrated it’s 10th anniversary in late 1999 with the “Ten Years of total DESASTER” double- LP, again a vinyl-only release! Another split- EP, this time in the rare 10” format and with the Dutch metal-fighters of PENTACLE, was released on DESASTER´s new label Iron Pegasus in 2000. The 3rd full- length album “Tyrants of the Netherworld” was then released in 2000. In summer 2001 DESASTER contributed the song “Darkness and Evil” with Gezol himself on guest- vocals for a Brazilian SABBAT tribute- LP. After the band had played several festival- shows (e.g. Fuck The Commerce and Wacken Open Air) vocalist Okkulto decided to leave the band, but was soon replaced by the new shouter Sataniac who used to be the main man in the German Black/ Thrash band DIVINE GENOCIDE. The “Souls of Infernity”- 7” (2001) was the farewell- release of the old singer Okkulto. After the release of the 4th album “Divine Blasphemies” in 2002 the show in Sao Paulo/ Brazil in front of 900 maniacs was a special highlight of 2003. The Brazilian show was released as double LP/ CD and DVD on the Brazilian Label Mutilation Records. After the change to Metal Blade Records the 5th album “Angelwhore” was released, also available on vinyl on Iron Pegasus Rec.
After countless gigs in Germany and outside (England, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland...), a Mini- tour through Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia and the South American Tour through Brazil, Peru and Colombia, the band released a 12” vinyl single called “Infernal Voices” with one new song, the re-recorded “Fields of triumph” and a coverversion of UNLEASHED´s “Before the creation of time”. In May 2007 DESASTER entered the Harrows Studio, Holland (Asphyx, Pentacle, Occult, Soulburn etc.) to record the 6th studio album “666 - Satan’s Soldiers Syndicate”. The new album shows again the band´s typical thrashing, blacking riff metal without mercy where there is no space for any innovation and modern elements! It’s what Desaster is all about: “A FIST IN YOUR FACE METAL ATTACK”! Beware and be prepared for sharp riffs, pounding drums, roaring bass and screaming hell...
Desaster’s history is going back to the year 1988 when two young Metal- possessed maniacs wanted to follow the path of bands like VENOM, HELLHAMMER or DESTRUCTION (whose song „Total Desaster“ gave the band its name) – to play some fucking Black Metal without compromises was their aim. After playing the still remembered first live gig in ’89 (which marked the official beginning of the band), DESASTER had to manage serious line- up problems in 1990 before Infernal, the only remaining member of the original line- up, found the right warriors to continue. Okkulto (v) and Odin (b) joined the pack back then in 1992. After the two demos “The Fog of Avalon” (1993) and “Lost in the Ages” (1994) Merciless Records released a split- 7” with UNGOD in 1995, the band´s vinyl-debut. In 1996 the first album “A Touch of medieval Darkness” was released and the band got great response from all over the world. On DESASTER’s following output, the “Stormbringer” mini- album in 1997, the new beast on the drums, Tormentor, can be heard for the first time. One song of the limited “Ride on for Revenge” picture- single of 1998 found it’s way on the “Thrashing Holocaust”- compilation CD released by American Necropolis Records in 1999. “Hellfire’s Dominion”, the second album, was released in 1998. A special killer on the album was the neck breaking Speed Metal hymn “Metalized Blood” which included guest vocals of Wannes of PENTACLE, Lemmy of the old German Speed Metal kings VIOLENT FORCE and Toto of LIVING DEATH, one of the band’s all-time faves! During the recording sessions of the 2nd album DESASTER also recorded their contribution to a SODOM tribute CD called “Homage to the Gods”. The band celebrated it’s 10th anniversary in late 1999 with the “Ten Years of total DESASTER” double- LP, again a vinyl-only release! Another split- EP, this time in the rare 10” format and with the Dutch metal-fighters of PENTACLE, was released on DESASTER´s new label Iron Pegasus in 2000. The 3rd full- length album “Tyrants of the Netherworld” was then released in 2000. In summer 2001 DESASTER contributed the song “Darkness and Evil” with Gezol himself on guest- vocals for a Brazilian SABBAT tribute- LP. After the band had played several festival- shows (e.g. Fuck The Commerce and Wacken Open Air) vocalist Okkulto decided to leave the band, but was soon replaced by the new shouter Sataniac who used to be the main man in the German Black/ Thrash band DIVINE GENOCIDE. The “Souls of Infernity”- 7” (2001) was the farewell- release of the old singer Okkulto. After the release of the 4th album “Divine Blasphemies” in 2002 the show in Sao Paulo/ Brazil in front of 900 maniacs was a special highlight of 2003. The Brazilian show was released as double LP/ CD and DVD on the Brazilian Label Mutilation Records. After the change to Metal Blade Records the 5th album “Angelwhore” was released, also available on vinyl on Iron Pegasus Rec.
After countless gigs in Germany and outside (England, Finland, Ireland, Sweden, The Netherlands, Switzerland...), a Mini- tour through Croatia, Serbia, Hungary, Austria and Slovenia and the South American Tour through Brazil, Peru and Colombia, the band released a 12” vinyl single called “Infernal Voices” with one new song, the re-recorded “Fields of triumph” and a coverversion of UNLEASHED´s “Before the creation of time”. In May 2007 DESASTER entered the Harrows Studio, Holland (Asphyx, Pentacle, Occult, Soulburn etc.) to record the 6th studio album “666 - Satan’s Soldiers Syndicate”. The new album shows again the band´s typical thrashing, blacking riff metal without mercy where there is no space for any innovation and modern elements! It’s what Desaster is all about: “A FIST IN YOUR FACE METAL ATTACK”! Beware and be prepared for sharp riffs, pounding drums, roaring bass and screaming hell...
We recorded “SSS” in May 2007 in the Netherlands. After we finished the song writing process, which took more or less 9 month. The studio “Harrows”, where bands like Asphyx, Soulburn, Pentacle, Flesh made Sin etc. recorded their records, is a really “releaxed” one... so we really liked the feeling there... CD version will be released on METAL BLADE GERMANY and the LP version will be released by IRON PEGASUS RECORDS
- Guest musicians in the new record:
Guestvokills from Mister A.A. Nemtheanga and Sir Proscriptor McGovern on “Tyranizer” and guestsolo from Ashmedi (Melechesh) on “Angel Extermination”.
- Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
The front and backcover artwork was done this time by Mr. Kris Verwimp. We like his work he did for bands like Absu. He is a really great painter! Meaning? Listen to the music, chekc out the coverartwork and make your own opinion!
- Live tour to promote the new record:
We’ll play a couple of single gigs this and next year. That’s all... no bigger tour or something like this... we all have regular jobs, so it isn’t easy to get so much holidays... but we also prefer playing some single gigs at weekends... to keep the feeling alive.. otherwise it can start working like a daily job! And that sucks!!!!!!!!
- Musical (and other) influences:
SLAYER, KREATOR, SODOM, VENOM, RAZOR, HELLHAMMER and all other bands we listen to!
- Final Message:
Thanxx for this interesting interview... headbangers outthere check out our website or BANG OR BE BANGED!!!
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: TormentorDesaster:
Metal Blade:
Black Metal,
Death Metal,
Thrash Metal
Fleshcrawl - Entrevista
Fleshcrawl (short bio, discography, highlights, …): Fleshcrawl was founded in spring 1986 by Stefan Hanus and Bastian Herzog. After some bandname issues, the first 7" EP "Lost in a Grave" on Morbid Records was recorded in 1991. In 1993 Fleshcrawl’s second album "Impurity" was produced in Dan Swanö's Unisound Studio. FLESHCRAWL received great reviews from the international press for their brutal and uncompromising Death Metal sound, not to mention their highly powered live shows. They proved their power at the Easter Bash Tour ’95 where they were joined by Deicide, Cathedral and Brutal Truth. In December ’95 FLESHCRAWL recorded their third album "Bloodsoul” being followed by their fourth album "Bloodred Massacre" in 1997 – both recorded at Abyss Studios by Peter Tägtgren.
After the release of "Bloodred Massacre", FLESHCRAWL cut the ties with Black Mark and went on a four week European Tour with Vader and Kataklysm, also participating in festivals with Cannibal Corpse and Dark Funeral. Back from the tour, FLESHCRAWL signed a contract with Metal Blade Records. In January 2000 "As Blood Rains from the Sky - We Walk The Path Of Endless Fire" - produced at Fredman Studios in Gothenburg - was released. In September 2001 the band entered Studio Underground in Västeras, Sweden, to produce album No. 6 - “Soulskinner”. A premiere took place in November 2002: FLESHCRAWL played their first tour of Japan supporting Hypocrisy from Sweden.
In November 2003, FLESHCRAWL again headed up to Studio Underground in Sweden to record album No. 7, entitled “MADE OF FLESH”, which musically kicks off where “Soulskinner” ended.
“Structures Of Death” (writing process, recording process, label, …): The songwriting for Structures of Death began in early 2006. After some private problems during 2006 the songwriting process was hold on ice for a while. After leaving all problems successfully behind, we continued where we stopped. Writing killer riffs vor some ass kicking old school death metal! This time Mike and Olli took over the most part of songwriting due to the leaving of Tobias Schick in 2005.
For the first time in the bands history we didn´t record in Sweden, but in the Studio Toninfusion in our home city Ulm/Germany with Martin Schmitt behind the desk. The clear and heavy rough mixes proved our decision to be right! Pelle Saether at Studio Underground in Västeras, Sweden mixed and mastered the album once again and delivered the perfect job!
Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …): The whole artwork and booklet design was done by Uwe Jarling again. He is a real professional in graphics design and drawing. Mike came up with some ideas and shortafter the first drafts of the artwork were done! Again Uwe proved that he is the perfect man for the job and delivered an intense artwork. There is no special meaning behind the artwork, it´s just evil, dark and death metal!
The Four Horsemen “Rockin’ Is My Business”. Why?: Back in 2002 we had a show at the Wacken Open Air and we were placed in the same hotel as a band called “Alabama Thunderpussy”. We had 3 great days of party and drinking together with those guys. Tobias came up with their cd and had the idea to cover the Song “Rockin is ma' business”. We tried it at our rehearsals and created a death-grooving rotn´roll cover of this song. After finishing the records we found out that this song wasn´t originally written by Alabama Thunderpussy. But anyway it´s a cool cover and a tribute to those party days and the guys at Alabama Thunderpussy. You rock!
After the release of "Bloodred Massacre", FLESHCRAWL cut the ties with Black Mark and went on a four week European Tour with Vader and Kataklysm, also participating in festivals with Cannibal Corpse and Dark Funeral. Back from the tour, FLESHCRAWL signed a contract with Metal Blade Records. In January 2000 "As Blood Rains from the Sky - We Walk The Path Of Endless Fire" - produced at Fredman Studios in Gothenburg - was released. In September 2001 the band entered Studio Underground in Västeras, Sweden, to produce album No. 6 - “Soulskinner”. A premiere took place in November 2002: FLESHCRAWL played their first tour of Japan supporting Hypocrisy from Sweden.
In November 2003, FLESHCRAWL again headed up to Studio Underground in Sweden to record album No. 7, entitled “MADE OF FLESH”, which musically kicks off where “Soulskinner” ended.
“Structures Of Death” (writing process, recording process, label, …): The songwriting for Structures of Death began in early 2006. After some private problems during 2006 the songwriting process was hold on ice for a while. After leaving all problems successfully behind, we continued where we stopped. Writing killer riffs vor some ass kicking old school death metal! This time Mike and Olli took over the most part of songwriting due to the leaving of Tobias Schick in 2005.
For the first time in the bands history we didn´t record in Sweden, but in the Studio Toninfusion in our home city Ulm/Germany with Martin Schmitt behind the desk. The clear and heavy rough mixes proved our decision to be right! Pelle Saether at Studio Underground in Västeras, Sweden mixed and mastered the album once again and delivered the perfect job!
The Four Horsemen “Rockin’ Is My Business”. Why?: Back in 2002 we had a show at the Wacken Open Air and we were placed in the same hotel as a band called “Alabama Thunderpussy”. We had 3 great days of party and drinking together with those guys. Tobias came up with their cd and had the idea to cover the Song “Rockin is ma' business”. We tried it at our rehearsals and created a death-grooving rotn´roll cover of this song. After finishing the records we found out that this song wasn´t originally written by Alabama Thunderpussy. But anyway it´s a cool cover and a tribute to those party days and the guys at Alabama Thunderpussy. You rock!
Live tour to promote the new record: Well, nothing is planned yet but chances are good to go on tour maybe in early/mid 2008 to support “Structures of Death”! We hope to see you there!
Musical (and other) influences: Of course a lot of scandinavian/swedish death metal bands like Dismember and Entombed influenced our style from the early days on. During the years we developed our own way of swedish death metal which you can easily hear if you compare the early albums to those of the last years. I for myself am influenced mostly by more melodic stuff like older In Flames or At the Gates. That´s maybe an explanation why Structures of Death includes a little more melodies than the former albums.
Final Message: Thanks a lot for the interview and we hope to see you on tour or a show somewhere to drink some booze and have a great time! Check out Structures of Death and leave a message at our Page at!
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: Oliver Grbavac - Guitars
Entrevistado: Oliver Grbavac - Guitars
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