1 – “To The Nameless Dead” (writing & recording process):
I don’t like the computerised sound of most modern metal records, they don’t have and life or soul. The frequency range maxed out completely and no space between the instruments. Anyone who tells me the drum sound on the new Soilwork cd is better then Mob Rules or Killers is missing something. We aren’t looking for perfection, we are looking for something honest and real sounding and while everyone is trying to make something sounding more perfect then the next album they are missing one thing. Soul!… I’d rather listen to Venom or The Ramones then something that sounds like it’s been played by a computer! The differences this time round were that we recorded as much as we could live and went for less layers of guitar only heavier, very much like a traditional old Metal album, two rhythms panned left and right, we fired up some old compressors and went through a big old desk. Not a laptop. The way at least I think Metal should be…
2 – Lyrics (influences, themes, messages):
There are several different themes of course but one of the main currents running through them is that of nationhood. Why a certain people believe they have rights to a certain land. The movement of borders. The eclipsing of nations, what happens to their folklore, folk heroes, languages etc. the people upon whom empires are built. The nameless dead who gave their lives in wars, in the mud, shit, blood and filth remembered only as numbers. To people who gave their lives thinking they were making a better life for their people only to have it all taken from them. People the world over who in their own way fought for what they believed in… testament to the tenacity of the spirit in man to resist and rebel.
3 – Album frontcover / artwork (who, why, meaning, …):
We wanted something that stood out from the usual photo shopped, fantasy, comic book hocus pocus. Something with more depth. I wanted something iconic and I think on both editions, the book and normal we have created this. Paul from Scald has done a wonderful job in interpreting the band and I think it really stands out in the modern metal scene. I was as with the last album inspired by the care and attention to aesthetic employed in the neo-folk/wave scene. For me at least the whole package is very important. The cover/lyrics/liner notes should go hand in hand with the music and thankfully now we have a label behind us that is committed to supporting our vision of the band.
4 – Musical and other kind of influences:
Musical influences more or less same as always. Black Sabbath, Maiden, Lizzy, Bathory, Frost, Venom, 70s, 80s stuff and early second wave of Black Metal. Some more modern stuff like Neurosis here and there. Other then musical? Living.
5 – Metal Blade Records:
Great so far. No complaints. Nice to be on a label doing their job properly I don’t have to worry about.
6 – Tour to promote the record:
Nothing confirmed so far only some festivals here and there. Should have an idea later in the year.
7 – Final Message:
No compromise. Not then. Not now. Not ever
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: Alan A. Nemtheanga (Vocals)
I don’t like the computerised sound of most modern metal records, they don’t have and life or soul. The frequency range maxed out completely and no space between the instruments. Anyone who tells me the drum sound on the new Soilwork cd is better then Mob Rules or Killers is missing something. We aren’t looking for perfection, we are looking for something honest and real sounding and while everyone is trying to make something sounding more perfect then the next album they are missing one thing. Soul!… I’d rather listen to Venom or The Ramones then something that sounds like it’s been played by a computer! The differences this time round were that we recorded as much as we could live and went for less layers of guitar only heavier, very much like a traditional old Metal album, two rhythms panned left and right, we fired up some old compressors and went through a big old desk. Not a laptop. The way at least I think Metal should be…
2 – Lyrics (influences, themes, messages):
There are several different themes of course but one of the main currents running through them is that of nationhood. Why a certain people believe they have rights to a certain land. The movement of borders. The eclipsing of nations, what happens to their folklore, folk heroes, languages etc. the people upon whom empires are built. The nameless dead who gave their lives in wars, in the mud, shit, blood and filth remembered only as numbers. To people who gave their lives thinking they were making a better life for their people only to have it all taken from them. People the world over who in their own way fought for what they believed in… testament to the tenacity of the spirit in man to resist and rebel.
We wanted something that stood out from the usual photo shopped, fantasy, comic book hocus pocus. Something with more depth. I wanted something iconic and I think on both editions, the book and normal we have created this. Paul from Scald has done a wonderful job in interpreting the band and I think it really stands out in the modern metal scene. I was as with the last album inspired by the care and attention to aesthetic employed in the neo-folk/wave scene. For me at least the whole package is very important. The cover/lyrics/liner notes should go hand in hand with the music and thankfully now we have a label behind us that is committed to supporting our vision of the band.
4 – Musical and other kind of influences:
Musical influences more or less same as always. Black Sabbath, Maiden, Lizzy, Bathory, Frost, Venom, 70s, 80s stuff and early second wave of Black Metal. Some more modern stuff like Neurosis here and there. Other then musical? Living.
5 – Metal Blade Records:
Great so far. No complaints. Nice to be on a label doing their job properly I don’t have to worry about.
6 – Tour to promote the record:
Nothing confirmed so far only some festivals here and there. Should have an idea later in the year.
7 – Final Message:
No compromise. Not then. Not now. Not ever
Entrevistador: RDS
Entrevistado: Alan A. Nemtheanga (Vocals)
Novo trabalho para os Irlandeses Primordial. A linha musical deste sexto disco segue a mesma do anterior “The Gathering Wilderness”, embora aqui esteja mais refinada e aperfeiçoada, sendo o resultado final mais épico, mais folk e mais doomy. O som continua orgânico, cru e selvagem, como sempre, mas neste disco está mais cheio e denso. Utilizam-se mais vozes limpas alternadas com as habituais vocalizações rasgadas. Mesmo a nível instrumental há uma maior preocupação em manter as coisas interessantes, simples sim, mas com alguns pormenores aqui e ali que mantenham o ouvinte atento. Nunca fui grande fã da banda, e o anterior disco, que havia recebido muito boas críticas por parte da imprensa e tinha sido bem recebido pelos fãs, não me tinha chamado muito a atenção. Este já me está a agradar imenso pelo seu sentido épico, de grandiosidade e pelas suas ambiências fortes e intensas. Um dos grandes candidatos a disco do ano. 85% http://www.primordialweb.com/ / http://www.metalblade.de/
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